Volundraising. Fundteering.

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Just for fun I am coining the terms “Fundteering” and the unpronounceable “Volundraising”


After sharing the Volundraising idea with a couple of friends today, Matt said “What about Fundteering” which I immediately agreed is far less of a tongue twister.

My extensive research on Google (lol) suggests no-one else has been bonkers enough to use or even reference these mashup words.

Well it is almost true…There is one Dutch Newspaper from 1915 that Google claims uses the word “Fundteering” somewhere in it, I dare you to find it!!!


They both have the following definition….

Using Volunteering as a Vehicle for Fundraising, to engender trust and support from others for a cause. 

In essence  using authentic actions to encourage others to give time or money

The Topic of Authenticity has been high on my agenda recently.

The reason I believe most monetisation strategies in the social networking world, including Facebook’s early models are #failing is because they don’t lean into our authentic voices.

They rely on cheating or hacking the social contracts we build with one another in these spaces to force brand exposure…not very polite.

 The true power of social media lies in peoples passionate, authentic voices and real relationships with brands and people. 

Through various conversations and work I have been doing over the last 6 months including a conversation over a beer with Damien from Vinspired.com this weekend at the CharityHack.org (Which was a lot of fun)  I have come to realise how volunteering is so incredibly powerful as a fundraising tactic as time IS money and sharing volunteering exposes very expensive social proof in a different more palatable currency

When we get fatigued by prostituted voices, 

The sound of authenticity resonates loud and clear