Wake Up Creatively!

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Over the last year or so I iPhone has subtly moved from its already idolatrous position on my bedside table to actually just staying on my bed with me as I sleep.  How is that for intimate?

Aside from the potential health issues that we don’t fully understand yet I actually find it pretty embarrassing to say that I don’t want it to be out of reach for even 1 minute of my life!  Then in the morning, I check Facebook, Twitter and worst still Emails before even thinking, praying or looking out the window.

I think this is bad for my health, wellbeing, quality of sleep and social life, I am trying to change.

I just read 35% of us check our phones before getting out of bed in the morning so at least I am in good company 🙂

I think sucking in what is going on ‘out there’ on Facebook, Twitter and Emails before even thinking in the morning is a terrible way to set the vision for who I want to be that day, creating a reactive rather than proactive posture.

In my lucid waking up state is when I often think most creatively, peoples names pop into my head, or I remember a dream I had which leads to an Idea.  This all happens before I clothe myself with Logic, lifes limitations and most of all the outside impetus of what the rest of my world wants me to do on that day.

2 mornings ago I woke up after dreaming that Bill Gates had invested heavily into @giveyUK.

After being mortified when realising that it wasn’t actually real I actually thought “Well he is a philanthropist now and he is losing his old tech battle to Apple so why not try and get hold of him?” That Is what I am attempting, So Bill if you are reading I would love to talk about working together 🙂

Anyway the point is from the moment you get up and out of your room the world is going to bombard you hard with “stuff” you gotta do, buy and be so why trade in that pure creative 15 minutes in the morning for the sake of reading another flipping Groupon email?