Loo with a View

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It strikes me as odd that 5 minutes ago as I sat on this airplane dealing with the processed matter they they feed us that this is about the most confined loo I have ever sat in with virtually no redeeming features.

In fact, of all of the aeroplane loos I have frequented not one has offered me anything other than a slightly disconcerting, claustrophobic super economy experience even when I have travelled in the posh bits they only have fancier soap!!! Really???

Loo with a view

I find this confusing as, not 2 meters from where I sat lies the opportunity to experience the best view I have ever had whilst on the loo. A little serene music and a view above the clouds would be remarkable (in Seth Godin’s voice). Even those who couldn’t get a window seat would get a beautiful moment of peace. Yeah the queues might be a bit longer but it would turn a crappy commodity (lol) into a value adding experience you might even tweet about.

Sitting here inspired by Dave Trotts – predatory thinking the thing that worries me is that I bet a loo with a view has never been tabled because the brand people probably don’t know the plane people and are too busy anyway doing safe stuff they know will work or at least they won’t get fired for likeĀ another TV ad or endorsement campaign.

There maybe good reasons for this but I don’t care – I want a loo with a view! I may not pay more for it but I would talk about it and thank you for it ALOT.

The Loo with a view is not a life or death matter but there are many places in our governments, businesses and schools where there is amazing value already amongst us if we can just think about how to connect the dots and harness it, or in this case, cut a hole in the wall and stick a window in šŸ™‚